WANTED: Relatable Zero-Waste+Sustainable Content Makers

I started out writing a piece about the eco-minimalist changes I've tried to do over the course of a year, but I've deleted all that in favor of talking about how we also need proper representation and realistic approaches to the issue – because, in all honesty, I'm tired of consuming ad and product heavy posts that advocate buying A or B (or C) to help the problem. True, we can argue that these influencers and change-makers rely heavily on their sponsors to earn their keep, but I am done watching a 5-minute video where every 30 seconds you name drop a brand. To be honest, all this really does is to further promote the false notion that zero-waste and sustainability are all about buying certain items, a certain aesthetic, to fit the lifestyle. That is entirely false!

A few weeks ago, I happened to stumble on a YT video that detailed a few key examples of why she thought the sustainability and zero-waste movement were elitist. To a certain point, I agree with most of what she says – the majority of us can't continuously afford to live the “recommended” sustainable lifestyle because of our current social and fiscal limits. The YTers we watch are speaking from their own experiences, and no one can really blame them for it, but those experiences are not necessarily our own experiences and realities. To me, there is a gap between what is considered “ideal” and what one can actually do.

My hope is that one day, more and more people from diverse backgrounds get to share their own ideas about how to live a sustainable life. It doesn't need to be glamorous or well-edited, as we've been spoiled to expect from content creators, but it has to be real and relatable. Sponsors be damned.


I'm currently doing a challenge called “100 Days to Offload” – you can join in the fun too by visiting https://100daystooffload.com

If you'd like, drop me a message here – I would be absolutely thrilled to hear from you!

#100DaysToOffload #Journal